ezSQL3 News

ezSQL3 is a set of classes for database connections. The following database connections are supported:

The project was inherited by the ezSQL project by Justin Vincent. It was completly changed to PHP5 object orientation with PHPDocumentator tags. In addition, for most database classes and all core classes are unit tests available

The project is hosted on GitHub

Switched ezSQL to upstream

Published on 2018-10-11

Because all my changes have been merged into ezSQL you should now use the original ezSQL sources.

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Extended ezSQL with a mysqli class

Published on 2014-02-19

Added the new class ezSQL_mysql to use mysqli. To update existing projects, just change the class you are using from ezSQL_mysql to ezSQL_mysqli. This class is downward compatible to ezSQL_mysql, but is able to use prepared statements.
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Extended ezSQL MySQL quick_connect method

Published on 2013-12-15

The method quick_connect in the MySQL class is extended with a parameter to pass the charset.

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Client site connection pooling with ezSQL3 on Oracle

Published on 2013-08-24

The support of Oracle databases in ezSQL3 is extended in ez_sql_oracleTNS with client site connection pooling.

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Extended the Oralce Support of ezSQL3

Published on 2013-06-01

The support of Oracle databases in ezSQL3 was extended.

The connection can now be done without the TNSNAMES.ora. This is realized in a new class, ez_sql_oracleTNS.php.

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ezSQL3 on GitHub